How long does it take to write a blog post?
The average time taken to write a blog post is three hours and 57 minutes, according to an analysis by Write Anywhere. This does not account for picture creation, formatting, SEO optimization, promotion, or any other elements of content publishing.
According to research, the average commute time to write a blog post has been increasing every year, with two hours and 24 minutes on average in 2014. In 2016, it surpassed three hours for the first time and will likely reach four hours in 2020.

Blogging on a regular basis is no secret, as it’s been shown to increase traffic, convert that traffic into leads, and establish thought leadership. Isn’t it true that the more frequently you blog, the more opportunities you have to drive visitors and leads?
But there is a lot of room for misinterpretation in the blogosphere. Many people are under the impression that writing an article takes only a certain amount of time and effort, but this isn’t always true. Is it possible to write an entire blog post without utilizing any other source? Perhaps even quicker than you think with the right tools. But when it comes to generating a new blog item, how much work is required? How long should a typical blog piece take to complete?
That’s a valid concern. After all, with so few resources, many marketers are forced to create content that meets their needs. Knowing how long other marketers spend on each post might assist you in measuring the success of your own blogging efforts.
But now with a help of Artificial Intelligence software like blog writer, you can write your blog post in 15mins or less.
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Many studies have determined how many words a blog article should contain and when it should be published, but the fact is that producing high-quality material takes a long time.
Over the last five years, blog post length has been increasing. In 2014, almost 20% of those polled said their blog posts were less than 500 words long. Today, that proportion is down to 6%. In 2014, very few people claimed to have written blog articles longer than 2,000 words (0%), but today 11% of blog entries submitted by respondents anyway are more than 2,000 words long.
Take the time to calculate how much time takes to write a blog post or article. In 2014, around 16% of bloggers spent less than an hour creating their material, while just 4.6% took more than six hours. Only 4.6 per cent of bloggers now take less than an hour to complete their work, whereas nearly 20% of bloggers now spend over six hours on each post. As posts get longer, the time needed to create them also increases.
Jasper.AI blog writer is a super AI who can write a blog post for you in 15 minutes – or less. Jasper.AI is the tool for you. With Jasper, you can write high-quality blog posts in minutes – no more spending hours staring at a blank screen. All writers have to do is answer some simple questions, and they’ll get a topic, headline, and rough outline of their post back from Jasper within minutes. It’s fast and easy – no need to create spreadsheets with titles and bullet points anymore.
Jasper will be available in the spring from Write Anywhere, but writer registration opens today so sign up now!
How to Write a Blog Post: Step-By-Step Guide
Pre-research the topic
The best way to write a blog post is to pre-research the topic. This means that you should have a good understanding of the topic before you start writing so that you can produce high-quality content. You can find information about your topic by conducting a Google search, reading articles on other websites, or using a tool like to help you get started. can help you to find a good topic for your blog post in 2 minutes. No more wasting time on research!
Choose a topic idea
With your topic chosen, you can start thinking about how to present it in a way that is interesting and useful for your audience. When choosing a subject matter, there are three things that need to be taken into consideration: What do people want? What will make them happy? How does this affect my brand? Answering those questions helps you ensure that you’re bringing value to readers rather than focusing solely on the number of posts you publish.
Blog Research & Writing
When it comes to writing a blog post, many people think that all they have to do is sit down at their computer and start typing. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. In order to produce high-quality content, you need to do some pre-research on the topic you’re writing about. This means finding information about your topic by conducting a Google search, reading articles on other websites, or using a tool like blog writer to help you get started.
Once you have a good understanding of the topic, it’s time to start writing. We recommend that you start by constructing a rough outline of your article. This will help you stay on track and make sure that your article covers all of the major points that you want to talk about.
After you’ve completed all of this research, writing the actual blog post will be pretty straightforward. We recommend using bullet lists in order to make content easier for readers to digest. Once you feel like your post is complete, ask yourself if it would make sense without any additional changes or edits being made to it. If so, congratulations! You’re finished writing a blog post!` blog writer is a great tool for researching blogs and for writing your own blog posts. With blog writer, you can quickly research topics and find sources to support your arguments. also makes it easy to draft and polish your blog posts before publishing them.
Editing Your Blog Post
If you believe that grammar editing is all there is to it, think again. The adage “Write without fear, edit without restraint” couldn’t be more accurate. Having a flaw-free piece of writing is critical, but an excellent editor may transform a good blog into an effective one by digging deeper into the material. is a tool that helps you to edit your blog posts. It makes it easy for you to revise and improve your writing. We can say that blog writer uses Artificial Intelligence to recognize Plagiarism and Match Sentences from other sources into your writing. We can classify it as a kind of spell checker, grammar checker, plagiarism detector etc. is currently in its beta testing phase, and you can sign up to be a beta tester.
Is 1-2 hours is the “right” amount of time to spend on a blog post?
How long should you write a blog post or article is dependent on the length of your blog articles. What’s the solution? As long as necessary.
It’s critical to keep your blog posts succinct and informative, yet it’s also important to remember that the purpose of such material isn’t always thought leadership. Maybe you’re writing about a fascinating new topic or explaining a complicated concept in an effort to generate leads for your business.
There are many factors that may influence the quantity of time it takes to produce a blog article. Some fast blogs might take you less than an hour to create; others might take several hours if you have to go deep on them. On average, marketers spend 1-2 hours on each blog post, although this can vary significantly.
Factors influencing time to write a blog post
There are many factors that can influence how long it takes to write a blog post. Some of the most important factors include the topic, the writing style, and the amount of research that is needed.
The topic of a blog post can greatly affect how long it takes to write. If the topic is something that the author is familiar with and doesn’t require much research, then it will likely take less time to write than a post on a more complex topic. However, if the author needs to do a lot of research in order to write about the topic, then it will take longer.
The writing style can also affect how long it takes to write a blog post. If the author prefers to write in a more formal style, then it will probably take longer to write the post than if the author prefers to write informally.
Finally, the amount of research needed can affect how long it takes to write a blog post. If a topic requires a lot of background knowledge before writing about it, then the article will likely take longer to write since more research needs to be done before writing can begin. However, topics that have little or no background knowledge are required may only take a short amount of time to research and write about them.
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